Worth a Read? YOU decide!!!!

Ever read one of those books that declared ‘YOU’ were the hero?

These books enabled the story to be affected by the reader who could choose what actions to follow at certain points of the book and, ultimately, affect the outcome of the story.

There were a number of these that grew out of the 1980s, such as Lonewolf,Tunnels and Trolls and the ever popular Fighting Fantasy series. There was also a series with the deep, and thought-invoking, name of Choose Your Own Adventure.

I remember as a teenager playing through Deathtrap Dungeon and Island of the Lizard King thinking that books could never get any more realistic.

What I didn’t know at the time was that these weren’t new phenomena.  Similar books had been around since the 1970’s, such as the Tracker gamebooks which included titles such as The Black Dragon and The Seventh Star (both of which are murder-mysteries). 

This use of branch- or path-finding technology hasn’t been limited to the page either.

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